Thursday, February 11, 2010

About Time

We have purchased a computer!!!

Now a days everyone has a computer, right? How do people survive without a computer? Let me tell you, it is possible. For a very long time, Micah and I hadn't had a computer so we were using every chance we had and used other people's computers or the computers at work. Not anymore! This also means that I will posting regularly and putting pictures of my little princess!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Little Princess

This is long overdue and should have been posted a while ago! Most of you may have heard I had my baby and if I haven't by this point, there is a problem!

Alayna Lynne Cour was born 9-9-09 at 5:18 AM. She weighed in at 9 pounds 8 ounces and 21.5 inches long! It was a long 30 hours of labor but Micah and I were blessed with a big healthy baby! She is lots of fun and continues to grow rapidly. And yes I mean rapidly.... When she went for her 2 month check up on November 24th, she was 13.11, then when I took her to the doctor the following week cause she had had a cold for 2 weeks, she weighed 14.8. I recently took her to the doctor cause she didn't seem to be getting any better and she weighed 16.1!! Yes, she now weighs more than her 5 month old cousin Aiden!

Please forgive me on my lack of posting and lack of pictures of my little beauty. I will get some pictures up within the next few days.....

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Alaina or Alayna?

So, not to mess you all up or ruin any "projects" you may have made or started my our little girl we thought it might be helpful to clarify. I write that cause one of my friends made some letters that spelt out her name that are absolutely adorable and now I have asked her to make a Y for me. Of course she was willing to do so and of course I felt bad about doing so but like Micah says "Its not like choosing a flavor of ice cream, it's a life long decision."

In my last post I put that our daughters name will be Alaina. It most certainly will be but after talking about it a little more with Micah, we have actually decided to spell it Alayna. We contemplated it for a while, went back and forth on how to spell it and which way we liked it best. I know a few of my co-workers, who's granddaughters or friends daughters names are Alaina, which is one of the reasons why it grew on me cause I was hearing it so often and I liked it more and more. So to be a bit different, we have chosen to spell it with a Y instead of another A.

So her name will be.......Alayna Lynne Cour!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pregnancy-36 weeks

Ok, I haven't been very good at posting regularly but I can say that I have posted each month...... Things will certainly be much different once the baby arrives!!

Tuesday, I was 36 weeks! I had a doctors appointment on Monday and everything looks great! I measured out at 37 weeks and the doctor said that doesnt mean anything. Funny thing is, when I first found out I was pregnant, I went to the OB-gyn and they said my due date was September 1st. Then when I went for my first ultrasound, the said I was actually 11 weeks (not 12) and my due date was pushed to September 8th. Makes me wonder if my due date actually is September 1st?! Guess we'll find out within the next few weeks!

The doctors thought there was an issue with my blood pressure early on cause twice it was high. We have come to the conclusion that it was due to the fact that we were using a manual one! I wasn't too concerned at all because high blood pressure does not run in my family. They thought I might have been doing too much at work and were considering bed rest. I definitely would not have done very good with that! No worries though!

As far as everything else, she is growing everyday and is very active! A few nights ago, I didn't get any sleep, well maybe 2 hours. Not sure if she got any sleep either, she was moving all night! I tried getting comfortable and think she was sleeping and then she'd move. Amazing what they do! I've been consistantly getting up about everyt 2 hours to use the bathroom at night. Not fun at all considering I have to go up and down the stairs half asleep. Other than that, I have no complaints!

Micah and I are getting more and more anxious to meet our daughter. We thought for sure that we would not have a name picked or agree upon a name until the day she was born but believe it or not, we have come to the conclusion that her name will be Alaina Lynne Cour! I wasn't sold on the name at first when Micah said that was the name he liked, but the more I thought about it and said it, the more I liked it.

She has a few cousins who are excited to meet her! My nephew Jacoby, who is 17 months old, gives my belly hugs and kisses all the time and it's the sweetest thing ever. Micah's nieces, Avery and Amanda do the same thing. When it's time to say good-bye to them, the give me a hug and kiss but then they say that they need to give hugs and kisses to cousin. Kids are such a blessing and I look forward to having one of my own!

No pictures this time, sorry! I will post when my camera is back in the state!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!!

Where to start.......I will start with our morning and end with our evening. Micah and I went to Boston for the day. Not sure if it was totally planned, but it worked out great!! I got a text from Micah Friday afternoon asking if I wanted to go to Boston. I of course said yes! I would never turn down a day in Boston with the love of my life.

We left town at about 9AM and took the train from Riverside straight into Boston. We got there in time to get tickets, see some guy get knocked out, eat a fully loaded sausage and make it to our seat in the top of the 1st inning. Our seats were about 25-30 rows behind home plate and in the shade! We really couldn't have asked for better seats! The last time Micah and I went to Fenway, we had similar seats just over to the right a bit more. That was also the first time Micah said he loved me. Yeah, that's where you say, ah, how romantic!

Here are some photos I took from our seats. Tell me whatcha think....

Red Sox infield and the packed stands

Big Papi taking a swing

Jacoby Ellsbury at his best getting ready to steal second base

Although the Sox did not come away with a win, it was still very nice to be there and enjoy the weather. After the game, we walked to the Prudential Center, got ice cream and walked around for a bit. Then we walked to the Charles River where the fireworks were being shot off. On our way back, we took a seat in the park and talked for a while. Now being hungry, we finished our walk back to the Prudential center where we ate at California Pizza Kitchen (highly recommended).

After dinner, Micah bought me flowers, a bouquet of Pink carnations!! They were beautiful. We then started our walk to Cambridge to where we were going to watch the fireworks. We walked over the long bridge, saw a number of boats in the river, and many, MANY people awaiting the fireworks. The skyline at night there is absolutely gorgeous.

Here is a picture I got of the Prudential Center with the moon. It was just starting to get dark.

This is what I get for asking a guy to take our picture! Its not bad, but it's not what I wanted. Guess it didn't come too bad. I'm thinking I should retire that Red Sox shirt until I have the baby!!!!

We had a while to wait for the fireworks to start at 10:30 so we had plenty of time to walk around and find the perfect place to sit. We did a lot of walking throughout the whole day so my feet, back and right hip were starting to hurt. While I sat and relaxed, Micah went for a walk to find a better seat. He had found a seat on the steps right in front of MIT next to this little old lady. She was very sweet and saved the seats while Micah came back and got me.

The fireworks started at about 10:40 and we had great seats! Of course they were loud and our baby girl was wide awake and moving around!!

Here are just a few of the fireworks.....

As the fireworks were shooting off and Micah and I were having a great time enjoying spending time together, he whispered in my ear, "I love you" and then said he had to ask me a question....I was totally confused and had no idea what he wanted to ask. Then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him!!!!! I of course could not hold back the tears.....when I finally controlled the tears, I said YES! He put the ring on and it sparkled and shined and fit perfect!

Here's the beauty!!!

It turned out to be the most PERFECT day/night. I could not have asked for a better way to get engaged! Red Sox game, dinner, fireworks, proposal and spending the day with the love of your life......priceless!!!
Thank you Micah for the most wonderful day ever! I love you very much and can't wait to start our life and family together!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Pregnancy-28 weeks

28 Weeks Pregnant

I guess I should have posted this last week when I was 6 months (27 weeks) pregnant. This week I am 28 weeks and I feel great! Can't really complain about anything......well, I guess I can! I have had some lower back pains but I think that was the result of wearing really old sneakers with no support. So, I have bought a new pair that I am very happy with and have had for a week now. No more pain!

The baby seems to be moving a lot (which is always a good sign!). She keeps me company throughout the day, even when I'm really bored at work! Movements are obviously getting more intense and I am starting to distinguish different body parts! People ask me if I can tell what is what and I can usually figure out what kicking me here or punching me there! Its really been her feet right in the middle of my stomach lately. What's also funny is when my belly is lopsided! I don't mind it whatsoever but it certainly looks funny through my shirts! Especially when someone points it out to me.

I am getting more and more anxious to meet this bundle of joy! But I also get to enjoy her inside my belly for a few more months. We have yet to decide on a name for her but have narrowed it down to a few (I think!!). We still have plenty of time along with the many other things on our to do list.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Feeling Great!

Sorry it's been a while.....I warned you! I have been bad about getting on the computer and writing a new post. Anyways.....Happy Mother's Day!!

I am now 5 months along and feeling great!! This little has plenty of room to do her flips and turns and it seems to be her favorite thing to do. She is constantly moving, which I am NOT complaining about, its one of the most amazing feelings in the world....aside from getting to hear the heartbeat at my monthly pregnancy classes! The other thing I enjoy, is getting to see the little kicks and punches when I look at my stomach!

I also seem to find myself talking to my her a lot! Letting her hear my voice (which she gets to hear all day) but just that "alone" time at night talking to her about anything and everything is perfect. Oh, how I can't wait to do that when she gets older! Ok....maybe I'm rushing it!

We have yet to agree upon a name but, we have plenty of time! Just seems like the summer will fly by and with everything else that will be going on, when will we find time to talk about this?! I'm sure we'll manage though!

I will post a picture of my baby belly soon!!